A section of the site map for the client and development team.
USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN & Information Architecture
Gist Design
Press of Atlantic City
UX Designer and Information Architect
- Interviewed users.
- Structured content for efficient data collection and clear dashboard display.
- Wrote user profiles and sketched user flows for multiple scenarios.
- Designed screen layouts for flexible content.
- Worked closely with developers to design technology appropriate solutions in an agile development process.
- Presented progress to clients and users, collected feedback and developed strategies to incorporate feedback and improve solutions.
Press of Atlantic City (PoAC) publishes multiple newspapers and magazines. They wanted an application that would let them easily develop, manage and track marketing accounts for their advertisers.
We designed an application that PoAC marketing account representatives could use in meetings with advertisers to define their target audience, review advertising options and, over time, track campaigns' effectiveness.
The application provided data on each publication's readership. It offered suggestions for ad placement and marketing timelines. Over time a the campaign's success could be tracked to show which ads were most effective.
Our user flow screen sketches described the information sales people and clients would see when they opened an account, defined their customers and developed a marketing plan. We also developed screens that described how information would be displayed to enhance campaigns over time.